Economic Geographies of Mountain Areas


Our study has highlighted in the role and differences of digitalization in rural and urban areas. The study participants worked in rural areas as long as digital infrastructure ensured the connection to urban areas. Digital infrastructure can create proximity over large geographical distances as long as a stable internet connection is available. The physical distance influences the way of working, with the result that less knowledge is exchanged and this must be actively searched for. Even if the exchange has to be initiated, the study participants showed that they are available at any time. Nevertheless, they create time periods in which they targeted use of physical distance, especially for sports activities. Proximity can be created at any time by connecting through digital infrastructures.

A cycle of multi-local working methods between the city and the mountains also emerged. While the creative activities mainly take place in the urban workplace, the study participants used the remoteness (marginality) in the mountain regions to be able to concentrate, focus and pursue their work without distraction. They use the interplay between the urban and the peripheral workplace strategically, also for a better work-life balance.