Case Studies
The case studies of the research project are located in municipalities in the Swiss mountain region, which is defined according to the statistical definition (Federal Statistical Office 2019). To gain a differentiated view, we have selected heterogeneous municipalities that differ particularly in their economic structure but also in their population composition. This is particularly evident in the proportion of tourism but also in the composition of the population, which varies greatly in terms of the proportion of second homeowners.

Linthal (population 1,000) is located in the southernmost part of the canton of Glarus. Like other Glarus municipalities, the town has a strong tradition in the textile industry and was known for its spinning mill until 1998. The decline of the textile industry is clearly visible in the partially vacant and converted industrial site, which used to be a cotton spinning mill. The current owner of the industrial site developed ideas for a multifunctional project, the so-called Linthpark Glarus Süd. Linthpark combines an existing health centre, space for companies, a hydroelectric power plant, a coffee shop and a planned multi-generational residential complex. The main goal for the future is to build an energy self-sufficient center that attracts a diverse group of people from the surrounding agglomerations.
La Punt Chamues-ch (population 700) is located in the canton Grison and is well known for its tourism opportunities in winter and summer. The organization MiaEngiadina initiated a large-scale regional infrastructure investment project aimed at improving digitalization in the region (Bürgin & Mayer, 2020). The organization was quite successful in obtaining public funding and convincing municipalities like La Punt Chamues-ch to develop and provide co-working spaces, digital infrastructure (e.g. broadband) and connecting health care providers, educational institutions and businesses to the digital infrastructure. MiaEngiadina is also the driver of the development of a hub for innovation, the so-called Innhub La Punt. The idea behind the Innhub, which is currently in the planning stage, is to provide multifunctional opportunities for co-creation and innovation.
Schluein (population 500) is also located in the canton Grison, but in a more peripheral area when compared to La Punt. Recently, the association Löwenberg was founded to develop the surselva impact lab, an innovation and start up center that not only hosts businesses but also includes spaces for artists and residents. The hub was established in a historic building and the initiators received support from the local community. With the multifunctional characteristics of the project (e.g., co-working, funding for start-ups, living, artists) the idea is to build a platform to develop solutions towards recent challenges in mountain areas.